Upcoming: Inferno by Dan Brown

I’m a big fan of Dan Brown, having been introduced to him via the book The DaVinci Code (like everybody else). I’ve read all his other works and I liked all of them in general. So now I am excited that he’s about to release a new book called Inferno! From what I read so far, it’s based off of Dante’s Inferno. I have no idea what that’s about (maybe I should try reading it) but still, it’s the adventure that I usually like in his books.

You can read on what other book lovers are saying by clicking on the image on the left. It will direct you to one of my favorite site to use, Goodreads.com.

You can pre-order your copies of Inferno by Dan Brown from the following websites:
Amazon.com (books and Kindle eBooks)
The Book Depository (US edition) (free shipping worldwide)
The Book Depository (UK edition) (free shipping worldwide)

I’m going to start blogging my book reviews

So I just realized that it might be better to start blogging about my book reviews, in addition to posting my reviews in Goodreads.com. My reviews aren’t those flowery type, but my personal thoughts on each book I read. I think having a blog of book reviews is another good way of sharing my book interests.

I will be adding my Goodreads reviews here, and backdate my posts depending on when I finished the book (based on Goodreads). Unfortunately, I only started using Goodreads to post reviews I think 1.5 years ago, when the previous app I was using, Virtual Bookshelf, shut down. I have exported my ratings and reviews from Virtual Bookshelf, but they don’t have dates, so I can’t say when I finished reading a certain old book. I haven’t decided how to backdate those books. We’ll see.