Cross Fire by James Patterson

Cross Fire (Alex Cross, #17)Cross Fire by James Patterson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again James Patterson reminds me why he’s one of my favorite authors. The book was fast-paced and exciting. This one kept me away from the computer for several hours because I wanted to finish it as soon as possible. There’s an unresolved issue in my opinion, but since it’s part of a series I know the issue will be resolved in a future book.

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Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton

Pirate LatitudesPirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

If the book wasn’t written by Michael Crichton, I wouldn’t have bought it. The theme is not really my favorite, but since 90% of the time I liked Crichton’s style, I gave this a chance. The book wasn’t bad, but it was just “ok”. If I was given this book and I didn’t know the author, I wouldn’t even say it was written by Michael Crichton. Crichton’s novel tend to have an underlying message, but this one… if there was a lesson in here, I missed it. Maybe because I found some of the parts boring? It didn’t help that even the “good” guys in the book can kill people so easily. Sure it was the old times, and maybe it was normal back then. I guess it comes back again to this being not favorite theme and me only trying it because of Michael Crichton.

If you like Crichton’s science-centered books, you may skip this one.

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